Saturday, December 12, 2009

Individual Presentations

Jared: Transparent things and death

Jessica: Beauty and pity. Lolita/ pale fire- these 2 works help us to understand the work between fantasy and characters such as Humbert.

Kris: Unreliable narrator, it is more life than novel. Narration- deception, self-awareness, overall

Amanda: Gradus- short story

Rebecca: very indepth powerpoint presentation discussing consciousness, unconsciousness and reality. She also talked about how the unconscious takes over the conscious. Listening to her presentation was not only thoroughly entertaining but exciting because it brought to mind a presentation I did with a group in oral traditions regarding dreams, the unconscious and the conscious...very exciting to say the least.

Riley's presentation was intriguing because he wrote about a book we have not yet read, inspiring me to read it soon. The fact that he took all the notecards out of the original Laura and read it four times is amazing. I loved that he was so excited about this too. The excitement level of the presenter makes or breaks it.

Jennie Lynn has brought up Edgar Allen Poe many times in class, so when I heard that she was focusing her presentation upon Poe and Nabokov I was very interested. She discussed similar obsessions that they have such as "amorphous nuances" with reality and being. Both also have a fixation with death. Jennie Lynn is a fabulous speaker, intelligent and carries with her so much confidence. I can't wait to read her term paper more in depth. Brittini's term presentation was hilarious and I just have to say her personality made her presentation as well!

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks Lisa!
    I appreciate that very much.

    also, you MUST have a sister? I have seen this girl who looks to be your twin but she has dyed her hair dark brown. If not, I assume you have a doppelganger.
