Saturday, December 12, 2009


Helena's final paper about coincidence was so interesting to read and reminded me of oral traditions when Dr. Sexson said (I don't remember exactly) something about everything being a coincidence. There aren't really any coincidences we just make them up. This is meant to be humorous in terms of my blog because I swear I am always coming up with things that I think to be coincidences. But are they really or do people just force themselves to find striking similarities withing everyday life?
Helena went on to say, "it is hard to tell when coincidence stops and fate begins". I loved this line from Helena's term paper because it reminds me of what I said before. Also, where do we draw the line between coincidence and fate? If I were to describe the two I'd say that coincidence is something we make- up to please ourselves, to somehow find connections to things that are not there. It is like when you lose someone and all of a sudden everything you see or do or hear points to them. These things were ALWAYS in front of us but now that we don't have that one thing we find ways to hold onto it, I could go on and on but I won't. Fate on the otherhand is meant to be, it is something that you are not able to control, you don't foresee it and you can't run away from it. Some people though have a hard time separating the two and therefore force themselves to find a "coincidence" and they call it fate. It's a complex topic, but thrilling to say the least.


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